aberystwyth masonic lodge 1072
welcome to aberystwyth masonic lodge
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Welcome to our Lodge 1072

Welcome to Freemasonry in Aberystwyth. There is a lot of information on this site which we hope will be both interesting and informative, whether or not you are a Freemason.

Please browse through at your leisure and if there are any questions which you may have (that aren't answered here), please don't hesitate to contact us, we'll do our very best to answer them.

Thank you and enjoy !

Brief Aberystwyth Lodge history

At a meeting held at the Belle Vue Hotel, Aberystwyth, on 21 July 1865, it was unanimously agreed that a Masonic Lodge be established in the town.
A Warrant of Constitution was granted to the Lodge on 19 September 1865, and on 30 November in the same year, the Aberystwyth Masonic Lodge No. 1072 was consecrated and opened.

In December 1890, the Lodge moved to the Masonic Hall in Market Street.

chevronNotable members of the Lodge include:

  • The civil engineer Sir James Weeks Szlumper (1834-1976)
  • The musician Joseph Parry (1841-1903)
  • The musician David John De Lloyd (1883-1948)
  • Two Librarians of the National Library of Wales, Sir John Ballinger (1860-1933) and Sir William Llewelyn Davies (1887-1952)

Brief Origins of Freemasonary

No one knows with certainty how or when the Masonic Fraternity was formed. A widely accepted theory among Masonic scholars is that it arose from the stonemasons' guilds during the Middle Ages. The language and symbols used in the fraternity's rituals come from this era.
The oldest document that makes reference to Masons is the Regius Poem, printed about 1390, which was a copy of an earlier work.

chevronIn 1717, four lodges in London formed the first Grand Lodge of England, and records from that point on are more complete.

Over the centuries, Freemasonry has developed into a worldwide fraternity emphasizing personal study, self-improvement, and social betterment via individual involvement and philanthropy.

Charity and Freemasonry

The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Freemasons are taught to practise charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole – both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.

Masonic charity is exercised at every level: individual Lodges make gifts and give aid to their own communities and every Province also gives large sums of money to regional causes. Nationally, our efforts are channelled through the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

Masonic Premises

Technically, Freemasons meet as a lodge not in a lodge. In this context, the word "lodge" refers to a local chapter of Freemasons, meeting as a body. However, the term is often misused to refer to the buildings or rooms that Masons meet in.

Masonic premises are also sometimes referred to as temples ("of Philosophy and the Arts").

In many countries Masonic centreor Masonic hall has now replaced these terms to avoid arousing prejudice and suspicion. Several different lodges, or other Masonic organisations, often use the same premises at different times, in our case we share a premises with Saint Padarn Lodge.

provincial grand lodge of west wales
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